Dance and movement

Dynamic Play and Creative Movement: Powering Body and Brain

Dynamic Play and Creative Movement: Powering Body and Brain


Dynamic Play and Creative Movement offers accessible methods to enliven and enrich education for young children from ages four to eleven using imaginary, movement and improvisation.

Preschool and elementary grade teachers will find the material directly usable in their classrooms to foster creativity and cognitive understanding in children.

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Leap to the Sun: Learning Through Dynamic Play

Leap to the Sun: Learning Through Dynamic Play


Leap to the Sun is designed for parents, group leaders and teachers of children 3 - 11 years of age. Dynamic learning means using children's natural endowments in learning to help them perceive and understand the world. These endowments are: physical energy, imagination and the need for self expression. All this can be guided into movement activities that will bring learning into where the child already is.

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