Mom’s Choice Award For Runaway Piggy Bank

I am pleased that my children’s picture book , Runaway Piggy Bank, has received this prestigious award


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Mom’s thoughtful advice to daughter on wrong boyfriend

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

Sitting opposite my daughter in a luncheonette after finally meeting the surly guy she’d begun living with, I made a little sigh in praise of coffee. As long as we could drink coffee together all was Read more

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Judith Peck, Ed.D.

All life’s passions, lofty, lowly, beatific and bodily arise from one source: Loneliness. Think sex, art, sex, charity, shopping… The desire, need, sometimes compulsion to do these things, if taken to their source seems to derive Read more

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Judith Peck, Ed.D.

So what was it about him that made me fall in love with him, and fall is what we do with love relationships, like trip or stumble, or roll head over heels; something precarious. It felt Read more

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Happiness Enters through the Senses

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

A feeling of happiness comes not from a state of mind but impression of the senses. Happiness enters from sight, sound, taste, smell or touch  and only later is the mind’s awareness. Nature affords Read more

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Verbal Abuse

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

I took a stand, told him that heavy hands would not be tolerated, but I did not cry, I did not whine, I did not consider leaving him, at least for more than an overnight. I Read more

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Odd Bi-product of Infidelity

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

An unusual bi-product of infidelity is renewed interest in your husband, unless the infidelity is on-going, in which case sex with a spouse has the opposite effect. Whether it was a charged up sense of my Read more

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Arielle talks with her college-age daughter about love

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

Arielle talks to her 18-year old daughter, Cara, who has moved from her dorm to live with a brilliant but surly young man in a passage from Seeing in the Dark, Arielle’s Story:

I paused Read more

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Soccer Mom Turns Ref

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

With her 11-year old son only wait-listed for the team, Mom was given a choice: they needed referees, volunteers who would go out there in the wind and the chill, weathering not only nature but a Read more

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Cloth Diapers

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

Does anyone remember the joy of folding diapers–no I’m serious? Warm and clean from the dryer, all that was expected of you was to lift a bunch, set this down and with two swift folds, set Read more

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Age and Youth in Action

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

The dry leaf leaps across the white frozen surface born by a breeze like the brilliant ideas galloping in my head. But then it stops. Is this to collect itself, in need of another push or Read more

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Being Nice

Judith Peck, Ed.D.

We Should Try It More Often.  Such a blah word, “nice”: a simple, ignorable state of being; a disposition to take little note of; belongs in the category of elevator music.

Being nice to your Read more

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