Smart Starts in the Arts

For parents and teachers of babies and toddlers: Practical ways to promote intelligence and joyful interactions

Smart Starts in the Arts
Fostering Intelligence, Creativity and Serenity in the Early Years
By Judith Peck, Ed.D.

This practical, easy-to-read book covers ways to bring the best of early child care into everyday routines with information on baby’s brain development and language; chapters on birth, nursing, feeding, ways to turn tears into smiles, the kind of play that stimulates creativity and learning, how to turn conflicts into resolutions and more.

Included are TV and travel tips and the importance of bringing art into daily life: drawing, painting, poetry and song. And all this while doing daily chores and routines.

The perfect gift for a new Mom.


Softcover 136 pages, illustrated

“Smart Starts in the Arts, will, I strongly believe, grow on those who read it. Those who have children or who are caretakers of children…will want to read this book at least once and then every so often return to it to renew the motivation for imaginative child care that is so entertainingly provided in this worthwhile book.”
Alan S. Zisman, M.D. F.A.A.P

“I was convinced that every child in the school system should be exposed to Peck’s unique approach to the teaching of the arts.”
Rose Shapiro, former President, NYC Board of Education


Judith Peck is professor of art emeritus, Ramapo College of New Jersey. Her sculpture is included in over 80 public and private collections. Her sculpture can be viewed at and titles of other books at

Discounted price for purchase on the Imagination Arts Publication website:  $16.99


ISBN 0-9746119-0-5
Library of Congress Number: 2003098054

Imagination Arts Publications

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